Focus Issue on 2024 International Symposium on Advanced Materials & Sustainable Technologies

Guest editors
Dongchen Qi, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia
Jennifer MacLeod,  Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia
Hongxia Wang,  Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia
Zhaojun Han,  Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia
Jiaye Ye,  Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia


Advanced materials are crucial for driving innovation that will transform our society towards a sustainable future. They are foundational to developing eco-friendly technologies that address the global energy crisis, mitigate environmental pollution, and reduce CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions. In conjunction with the 2024 International Symposium on Advanced Materials & Sustainable Technologies (AM&ST24), we are excited to announce a special issue of Materials Futures that includes papers submitted to and presented at the conference.

Topics include but not limited to:

  • Surfaces & Interfaces of Functional Materials

  • 2D Materials & Quantum Materials

  • Energy & Catalytic Materials

  • Functional Materials & Smart Materials

  • Bio & Soft Materials 

  • Electronic, Photonic & Magnetic Materials 

  • Energy-Transfer, Storage, & Conversion 

  • Material Characterisation & Simulation

Submission process

We encourage submissions from all authors whose work fits with the scope of this focus collection. The collection will also feature invited contributions. All focus issue articles are subject to the same review process as regular articles. Authors are invited to contact one of the guest editors, or the journal team directly, to discuss the suitability of their work prior to submission.

Please submit your article via our online submission form You should submit the appropriate article type for your submission then choose ‘Focus Issue on 2024 International Symposium on Advanced Materials & Sustainable Technologies’ from the drop-down menu.

Deadline for submissions

30 June 2025

The target deadline for submissions is 30 June 2025 though we can be flexible where necessary. We encourage early submission, as articles will be published on acceptance without being delayed by other papers in the collection.

Publication charges

All articles in Materials Futures are published on an open access basis. Article publication charges are waived for authors.