Median submission to first decision before peer review

About the journal

This page now only hosts journal metric information. You can find more information about the journal including the scope, article types, and peer review process here.

Journal metrics

All metrics are for the last complete calendar year. Peer review times are median figures unless otherwise stated.

Peer review metrics
Submission to first decision before peer review1 day
Submission to first decision after peer review24 days
Submission to first decision overall (including articles rejected before peer review)3 days
Submission to final acceptance after peer review and any author revisions50 days
Desk rejection rate49%
Acceptance rate*47%

*Acceptance rate is calculated as acceptance decisions as a proportion of all final decisions on directly submitted articles.

Citation-based metrics
Impact Factor (2-Year)12.0
Impact Factor (5-Year)12.0
Immediacy Index4.1
Scimago Journal Rank (SJR)2.328
Total Citations673

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Release Date: 2024-07-05 Visited: