Volume 2 Issue 3
August  2023
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Huai Zhang, Yajiu Zhang, Zhipeng Hou, Minghui Qin, Xingsen Gao, Junming Liu. Magnetic skyrmions: materials, manipulation, detection, and applications in spintronic devices[J]. Materials Futures, 2023, 2(3): 032201. doi: 10.1088/2752-5724/ace1df
Citation: Huai Zhang, Yajiu Zhang, Zhipeng Hou, Minghui Qin, Xingsen Gao, Junming Liu. Magnetic skyrmions: materials, manipulation, detection, and applications in spintronic devices[J]. Materials Futures, 2023, 2(3): 032201. doi: 10.1088/2752-5724/ace1df
Topical Review •

Magnetic skyrmions: materials, manipulation, detection, and applications in spintronic devices

© 2023 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd on behalf of the Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory
Materials Futures, Volume 2, Number 3
  • Received Date: 2023-04-16
  • Accepted Date: 2023-06-24
  • Rev Recd Date: 2023-06-11
  • Publish Date: 2023-07-25
  • Magnetic skyrmions are vortex-like spin configurations that possess nanometric dimensions, topological stability, and high controllability through various external stimuli. Since their first experimental observation in helimagnet MnSi in 2009, magnetic skyrmions have emerged as a highly promising candidate for carrying information in future high-performance, low-energy-consumption, non-volatile information storage, and logical calculation. In this article, we provide a comprehensive review of the progress made in the field of magnetic skyrmions, specifically in materials, manipulation, detection, and application in spintronic devices. Firstly, we introduce several representative skyrmion material systems, including chiral magnets, magnetic thin films, centrosymmetric materials, and Van der Waals materials. We then discuss various methods for manipulating magnetic skyrmions, such as electric current and electric field, as well as detecting them, mainly through electrical means such as the magnetoresistance effect. Furthermore, we explore device applications based on magnetic skyrmions, such as track memory, logic computing, and neuromorphic devices. Finally, we summarize the challenges faced in skyrmion research and provide future perspectives.
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