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Research progress on the design of electrolyte additives and their functions for zinc-ion batteries

  • Abstract: In recent years, zinc-ion batteries (ZIBs) have been considered one of the most promising candidates for next-generation electrochemical energy storage systems due to their advantages of high safety, high specific capacity and high economic efficiency. As an indispensable component, the electrolyte has the function of connecting the cathode and the anode, and plays a key role in the performance of the battery. Different types of electrolytes have different effects on the performance of ZIBs, and the use of additives has further developed the research on modified electrolytes, thus effectively solving many serious problems faced by ZIBs. Therefore, to further explore the improvement of ZIBs by electrolyte engineering, it is necessary to summarize the current status of the design of various electrolyte additives, as well as their functions and mechanism in ZIBs. This paper analyzes the challenges faced by different electrolytes, reviews the different solutions of additives to solve battery problems in liquid electrolytes and solid electrolytes, and finally makes suggestions for the development of modified ZIB electrolytes. It is hoped that the review and strategies proposed in this paper will facilitate development of new electrolyte additives for ZIBs.


